In quality management, generally, it is being said that if something is not documented, it didn’t happen. Organizations that follow a management system need a well-conceived and systematized Quality Management System (QMS). The purpose of a quality management system is to ensure every time a process is performed, the same information, methods, skills, and controls are used and applied in a consistent manner.
What is a Quality Management System and why is it Important?
Quality Management System consists of written and controlled guidelines and procedures that form a foundation for all procedures. An organized QMS ascertains the steps for key processes and forms methods in preventing failures in a timely manner. QMS is organized to protect the brand, organization processes, and the customers’ interests.
What are the benefits of the implementation of a Quality Management System?
Implementation of a quality management system should result in many long-term gains. Here is the list of few benefits of effective implementation of a QMS:
- Improvement in customer satisfaction
- Achieve organizational goals
- Reduction in defects and errors
- Market your business more effectively
- Manage growth more effectively
- Improve documentation availability
- Correct issues to improve products and services
- A better-organized way of doing business
- Empowered and motivated employees
- Help creates a culture of quality
What does a Quality Management System need?
A quality management system requires many important elements. Here are a few of them:
- Documented quality policy and quality objectives.
- A quality manual that will document scope, exclusions with justification. It is now no more a mandatory requirement as per ISO9001:2015 but required by companies implementing ISO13485:2016. QMS includes documented procedures, guidelines, and checklists. This will allow observed quality and continuous improvement.
- Document procedures mandated by the International standard.
- Documents required by the company for effective planning, operation, monitor, and control.
- Documents required by any legal authority.
It is very important for every organization to have a good document system to run the business smoothly.
It not only creates confidence in the mind of customers but also improves the morale of employees and other stakeholders. A well-designed and implemented QMS provides a foundation stone for continual improvement. It is very much important for the organization to engage people from all functions and at all levels, which will enable an organization to achieve its objective.
Quality HUB India offered Online Courses:
Hindi Version:
1. Awareness Program on Quality Management System(QMS) [ISO9001+IATF16949]
2. Internal Auditor Course on Quality Management System(QMS) [ISO9001+IATF16949]
English Version:
1. Free MINI Course on ‘Quality Management System’
2. Awareness Program on Quality Management System(QMS) [ISO9001:2015]
3. Awareness Program on Quality Management System(QMS) [ISO9001+IATF16949]
4. Internal Auditor Course on Quality Management System(QMS) [ISO9001:2015]
5. Internal Auditor Course on Quality Management System(QMS) [ISO9001+IATF16949]